
[rid] /rɪd/
verb (used with object), rid or ridded, ridding.
to clear, disencumber, or free of something objectionable (usually followed by of):
I want to rid the house of mice. In my opinion, you'd be wise to rid yourself of the smoking habit.
to relieve or disembarrass (usually followed by of):
to rid the mind of doubt.
Archaic. to deliver or rescue:
to rid them out of bondage; to rid him from his enemies.
be rid of, to be free of or no longer encumbered by:
to be rid of obligations.
get rid of, to eliminate or discard:
It's time we got rid of this trash.
1150-1200; Middle English ridden (v.), Old English (ge)ryddan to clear (land); cognate with Old Norse rythja to clear, empty
Related forms
ridder, noun
Examples from the web for get rid of
  • Once you're ready to get rid of something, consider whether it still has some useful life left in it.
  • The simple act of washing your hands seems to get rid of the need to justify a tough choice, researchers say.
  • get rid of all that bureaucratic apparatus, he suggested.
  • But there is an exception to the rule: these days, credit-card companies are trying to get rid of customers.
  • In the event, he had inherited it only to get rid of it quickly.
  • At first glance, the idea of adding fat to get rid of fat doesn't exactly add up.
  • One easy way to do this would be to get rid of the rating agencies altogether and let investors do their own due diligence.
  • If you try to artificially create a situation that requires drastic cuts, voters are going to get rid of you, not the spending.
  • If fat people are the problem, then the solution is to get rid of them, by making them thin people.
  • She had a mad urge to write a check and get rid of him.
British Dictionary definitions for get rid of


verb (transitive) rids, ridding, rid, ridded
(foll by of) to relieve or deliver from something disagreeable or undesirable; make free (of): to rid a house of mice
get rid of, to relieve or free oneself of (something or someone unpleasant or undesirable)
Derived Forms
ridder, noun
Word Origin
C13 (meaning: to clear land): from Old Norse rythja; related to Old High German riutan to clear land
Word Origin and History for get rid of



c.1200, "clear (a space); set free, save," from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse ryðja (past tense ruddi, past participle ruddr) "to clear (land) of obstructions," from Proto-Germanic *reudijanan (cf. Old High German riuten, German reuten "to clear land," Old Frisian rothia "to clear," Old English -royd "clearing," common in northern place names), from PIE root *reudh- "to clear land." The general sense of "to make (something) free (of something else)" emerged by 1560s. Senses merged somewhat with Northern English, Scottish, and U.S. dialectal redd. To get rid of (something or someone) is from 1660s. Related: Ridden; ridding.

Related Abbreviations for get rid of


  1. radial immunodiffusion
  2. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Idioms and Phrases with get rid of

get rid of

Also, be rid of . Eliminate, discard, or free oneself from. For example, It's time we got rid of these old newspapers , or He kept calling for months, but now we're finally rid of him . The first expression dates from the mid-1600s, the second from the 1400s. Also see get out of , def. 5.


see: get rid of